EEM - ASON 2014 Workshop - Results

My symphonic work Andante - Alice has been selected for performance at the final round of the EEM - ASON 2014 Workshop. The work will be conducted by Pavlos Sergiou and performed by A.S.O.N. in Athens.


Την Κυριακή 23 Νοεμβρίου πραγματοποιήθηκε με επιτυχία το εργαστήριο "Νέοι Συνθέτες - Νέοι Ερμηνευτές: μια Μουσική Συνάντηση", μία συνεργασία της Ε.Ε.Μ. με την Α.Σ.Ο.Ν., που φιλοξενήθηκε στο Ωδείο Αθηνών.
Η Α.Σ.Ο.Ν., υπό τη διεύθυνση του Παύλου Σεργίου, εκτέλεσε σε δοκιμή (λεττούρα) τα 10 έργα που είχαν επιλεγεί για την α' φάση, παρουσία των συνθετών.
Κατόπιν, έγινε επιλογή 6 έργων, ψήφισαν τα μέλη της επιτροπής, οι συμμετέχοντες συνθέτες και οι μουσικοί της ορχήστρας.
Επιλέχθηκαν τα έργα (με αλφαβητική σειρά των επωνύμων των συνθετών):
"Αποδημητικοί", του Θέμη Βασιλείου (επιλογή των μουσικών της ορχήστρας)
Beneath, του Δημήτρη Βεκρή
Images through time, του Θοδωρή Γκουσγκουσούδη
Sixaxis, του Σταύρου Κούρκουλου
Scarecrow, του Βασίλη Μαντζοράκη
Andante - Alice, του Δημήτρη Οικονόμου

Τα έργα θα συμπεριληφθούν σε μελλοντικά προγράμματα της Α.Σ.Ο.Ν.

Ένωση Ελλήνων Μουσουργών

EEM - ASON 2014 Workshop

My symphonic work Andante - Alice has been selected for performance at the 2nd round of the EEM - ASON 2014 Workshop. The work will be conducted by Pavlos Sergiou and performed by A.S.O.N. in Athens.

 A' φάση επιλογής έργων για το εργαστήριο ΕΕΜ - ΑΣΟΝ 2014.
Η επιτροπή επέλεξε τα παρακάτω 10 έργα των οποίων τμήματα υποβλήθηκαν κατόπιν της σχετικής πρόσκλησης:

Scarecrow, του Βασίλη Μαντζοράκη
Beneath, του Δημήτρη Βεκρή
Andante - Alice, του Δημήτρη Οικονόμου
Αποδημητικοί, του Θέμη Βασιλείου
Images through time, του Θεόδωρου Γκουσγκουσούδη
Συμφωνία, του Ιάσωνα Βολιώτη
Poseidon, του Μιχάλη Ανδριτσόπουλου
Λεύγες, του Νικήτα Κίσσονα
Sixaxis, του Σταύρου Κούρκουλου
Da mo, του Χρήστου Ζούμπου

Τα έργα θα εκτελεστούν από την Α.Σ.Ο.Ν., υπό τη διεύθυνση του Παύλου Σεργίου, σε δοκιμή (λεττούρα), προκειμένου να υλοποιηθεί η β' φάση του εργαστηρίου.

Performance of 30'' of October

My miniature 30'' of October  will be performed at the Swiss Contemporary Music Festival by dissonArt Ensemble as part of the Collaborative Miniature Project. More info here:

Collaborative Miniature Project

A thoroughly innovative idea, designed especially for the 48th Dimitria Festival in collaboration with Dimitri Papageorgiou. First performance abroad at Forum Wallis. In open (on-line) communication with composers from the length and breadth of the globe, the Thessalonian musicians of the dissonArt ensemble originally selected 111 miniatures, short original themes, which they will develop theatrically and present in an unpredictable concert, filled with sounds and melodies from the four corners of the earth. “Around the world in music” is the core idea behind the activity of the dissonArt ensemble, whose slogan is “looking for listeners who perceive music as an adventurous quest, not a passive emotional response”. 

dissonArt ensemble

Jannis Anissegos
Alexandros Stavridis
Lenio Liatsou
Thodoris Patsalidis 
Vasilis Saitis
Yiannis Hatzis

Based in Thessaloniki/Greece, the dissonArt ensemble was founded in the beginning of 2005 with the intention to disseminate the stylistic diversity of new music in Greece as well as internationally. Following the model of similar contemporary orchestral groups, the ensemble is organized around a core of 8 soloists and associated partners, with a flexible internal structure. Its programmes aim to promote works of recognized as well as emerging composers. Although its repertoire comprises all aspects of 20th and 21st century music, it also entails a special focus on Greek composers. Collaborations with groups of other artistic disciplines (dance, video-art, etc) that result in the creation of original works are among the main objectives of the dissonArt ensemble, as are pedagogical projects. To the latter end, the ensemble regularly performs student works at the Composition Workshops organized by the Thessaloniki Music Megaron and participates in seminars for performers who want to gain insight into modern performance practices and , in the past two years , have been working in collaboration with the Contemporary Music Lab of the Department of Music at the Aristotle Univerity of Thessaloniki. The dissonArt ensemble has already made several appearances in Greece and abroad, including festivals such as Ensembl[:E]uropa (Cologne 2008), Klangspuren (Innsbruck 2007), 4020. mehr als Musik (Linz, 2008), Athens Festival (2007), Dimitria Festival of Thessaloniki (2006), Patmos Festival of Religious Music (2006), Guitar Plus (2006), a.o They have also appeared in concert halls such as the Brucknerhaus (Linz), Minoritensaal (Graz), Thessaloniki Music Megaron, WDR3 a.o. For 2011 dissonArt is "ensemble in residence" of Thessaloniki Music Megaron. The dissonArt ensemble is in an ongoing search for listeners who understand music as an adventurous quest and not as a passive emotional response.

62 miniatures
50 Swiss premieres
12 world premieres (WP/UA)

COMPOSER'S LIST (alphabetical order)

Abbasi, Anahita
Anatrini, Alessandro
Anissegos, Antonis
Anissegos, Jannis
Bhagwati, Sandeep (UA)
Buckett, Austin
Campbell, Daniel
Cerkezoglu, Ugur
Costanza, Federico
Driscoll, Rebekah
Economou, Dimitris
Epiney, Thierry (UA)
Evanoff, Ray
Feliz, Juro Kim
Giles, Vincent
Macedo, Joaquin
Hagen, Javier
Hofer, Markus (UA)
Tenaglia, Luis
Kai, Jun-K
Keller, Max E (UA)
Kerschbaumer, Hannes
Kesikli, Egemen
Kittos, Haris
Krüger, Matthias S. (UA)
Lapidakis, Michalis
Lee, Kar Tai (Phoebus) (UA)
Lee, Ui-Kyung 
Llewellyn, Becky (UA)
Longo, Marco
Maggio, Francesco
Maronidis, Dimitris
Mayer-Spohn, Ulrike
Mercado, German
Muschenich, Markus
Nicolaou, Vassos
Özdemir, Berk
Papadimitriou, Lefteris
Papadopoulos, Ioannis
Papageorgiou, Dimitri
Pecin, Paolo
Pelish, Valentin
Pressley, Richard
Ralli, Eleni
Rouvelas, Antonis
Saleri, Mauro
Sami El Kholi, Wael (UA)
Seglias, Zesses
Sehyung, Kim
Schiess, Christophe (UA)
Sistermanns, Johannes S. (UA)
Sisiki, Elena
Skordis, Andys
Smite, Gundega
Strootman, Aart
Toufektsis, Orestis
Tukhanen, Timo
Vazquez Salvagno, Jorge Diego
Viglino, Pascal (UA) 
Wicomb, Pierre-Henri (UA),7.6360186,433m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x478f19a29042d721:0x2711d57e1e987348

Frederic Mompou International Award 2013 Results

Frederic Mompou International Award Results

The jury of the 34th Young composer competition for the Frederic Mompou International Award, organized by Joventuts Musicals de Barcelona, met. The panel of judges was made up of Eduardo Diago, Martín Matalón, Josep Rio, Miquel Roger and Jesús Rueda, and assisted by Miquel M. Badal in his position as secretary of the jury. Once the 23 pieces in competition were analysed and the opportune voting took place, the jury decided by majority to grant the following awards: the Frederic Mompou International Award went to the piece Pulsar Phigurae, written by Italian composer Raffaelle Grimaldi, presented under the pseudonym Ragri. Furthermore, as a reflection of the quality of their works, two honourable mention awards were granted to Rubens Askenar for his score Del reflejo ignoto and presented under the pseudonym Bioko Bomwás , and the other to Dimitris Economou for his score Eigengrau, Sonata for violin & piano and presented under the pseudonym ABA.


Barcelona, November 25th, 2013

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